
Kiana Carp Korda Goo Jungle Juice Supreme Intensive aroma di

Ellenállhatatlan csalihatás a legújabb kivitelben a Kordától. Kiana Carp -
Jungle Juice Supreme A Jungle Juice Goo Supreme az édes és savanyú citrus ízek
trópusi keveréke. A gyors illat erős, élénk, friss aromát kölcsönöz - emlékeztet
a trópusi gyümölcslére. Az egyedülálló citrus keverék, finom színezék és
rengeteg illóolaj segít abban, hogy a Jungle Juice Goo a jövő klasszikusává
váljon. Ali Hamidi mindig is üdvözölte a citrusfélék varázsát, és a legutóbbi
Monster Carp-kirándulás során, a franciaországi The Graviers-be, a
Dzsungel-levet használta, hogy a kamerák számára legfeljebb 60 font halat
fogjon. A Jungle Juice Goo Supreme nagyon világos, finom árnyalattal
rendelkezik, és drámai módon nem változtatja meg a horog csali színét, hacsak
nem fehérek - ugyanúgy, ahogyan más Goo is képes. ?Legfelsőbb? változatként
vékonyabb konzisztenciájú, amely lehetővé teszi, hogy beszívódjon a horogcsalik
magjába és / vagy tökéletesen ellepje a laza takarmányt. A vízbe kerülve lassan
szivárognak ki a Jungle Juice Goo édes, savas, citrusos összetevőinek és
attraktorainak erőteljes keveréke. Kiana kifejtette, hogy a tesztelés során a
Jungle Juice ?extrém wow faktorral? rendelkezett a halfogás terén. The Jungle
Juice Goo Supreme is a tropical mix of sweet and sour citrus flavours. A quick
smell will give you a strong ,zesty, fresh aroma - reminiscent of tropical fruit
juice. The unique citrus blend, subtle colouring, and abundance of essential
oils, help to make Jungle Juice Goo an immediate future classic. Ali Hamidi has
always hailed the magic of citrus flavours, and during the most recent Monster
Carp trip to The Graviers, in France, he used the Jungle Juice to catch fish up
to 60lb+ for the cameras. Jungle Juice Goo Supreme has a very light, subtle hue
and won?t change your hook bait colour dramatically, unless they are white - in
the same way other Goo can. Being a ?Supreme? variant, it has a thinner
consistency that allows it to soak into the core of your hookbaits and/or cover
your loose feed perfectly. Once in the water they will slowly leak a powerful
blend of the Jungle Juice Goo?s sweet, acidic, citrus ingredients and
attractants. Kiana have explained that during testing, Jungle Juice had an
?extreme wow factor? when it comes to catching fish. NEW Products: GOO ?Bubble
Gum A sweet, uplifting, fruity and unbelievably juicy aroma... this is Bubble
Gum Supreme Goo! It has a mouth-watering fruity smell that is deceptively
potent. Like some of the other super popular Goo(Isotonic and Pineapple)from
Kiana, it has a translucent, yellow hue, giving it a subtle colouration that
doesn?t dramatically change the appearance of the bait it is added to. The
Bubble Gum Supreme Goo can be used on its own, but also acts as the perfect
sweetener. Combine this unique flavour with berry or citrus flavours to create
your own custom combinations. For inspiration, just think of your favourite
Bubble Gum flavours when you were growing up! GOO ?Jungle Juice The Jungle Juice
Goo Supreme is a tropical mix of sweet and sour citrus flavours. A quick smell
will give you a strong ,zesty, fresh aroma-reminiscent of tropical fruit juice.
The unique citrus blend, subtle colouring and abundance of essential oils, help
to make Jungle Juice Goo an immediate future classic. Ali Hamidi has always
hailed the magic of citrus flavours and during the most recent Monster Carp trip
to The Graviers, in France, he used the Jungle Juice to catch fish up to
60lb+for the cameras. Jungle Juice Goo Supreme has a very light, subtle hue and
won?t change your hook bait colour dramatically, unless they are white-in the
same way other Goo can. Being a ?Supreme? variant, it has a thinner consistency
that allows it to soak into the core of your hook bait sand/or cover your loose
feed perfectly. Once in the water they will slowly leak a powerful blend of the
Jungle Juice Goo?s sweet, acidic, citrus ingredients and attractants. Kiana have
explained that during testing, Jungle Juice had an extreme wow factor when it
comes to catching fish. GOO ?Moonshine As part of the 10th Phase of Kiana Goo
releases we have ?distilled a very special batch of Goo. ?Moonshine Supreme has
a grainy, whiskey-style flavour, reminiscent of your favourite tipple from
Tennessee, in terms of its look and smell. An old school classic, whiskey
flavours have a proven track record for catching carp. Moonshine Supreme Goo
contains no alcohol, but you would be forgiven for thinking that the carefully
crafted flavour and smell would be at home in a shot glass! Moving beyond the
light-hearted name, Moonshine uses natural blends of ingredients to make up this
unique smell and taste profile and will generate quick bites. Light in colour
and potent in flavour... a quick smell really does hit the back of your throat
and takes your breath away, just like a real shot of whiskey. Moonshine Goo
Supreme is great for soaking into pop-ups and wafters, which can be used in any
water temperature. PLUS why not try a shot of ?Moonshine? in your Solidz PVA

Ár: 6.990 Ft
A hirdető: Kereskedőtől
Értékesítés típusa: Eladó
Állapota: Új
Termékek: Etetőanyagok, csalik
Feladás dátuma: 2024.10.15
Eddig megtekintették 1 alkalommal
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Kiana Carp Korda Goo Jungle Juice Supreme Intensive aroma di

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