
Hobbywing AX540L R2-1400kV BLS meghajtó készlet

Hobbywing AX540L R2-1400kV BLS meghajtó készlet Hobbywing AXE540L R2-1400kV BLS
meghajtókészlet Ez a Hobbywing sziklalánctalpas meghajtókészlet megbízható
teljesítményt és hatékonyságot biztosít. A mellékelt 1400KV-os motorja nem
hajlamos a meghibásodásra. Érzékelő portja vízálló és kis méretű, hogy elkerülje
a vezetékezési problémákat. Az ESC-ben használt fejlett technológiák, mint
például a FOC, teljes irányítást biztosítanak járműve felett, és csendes,
hatékony működést biztosítanak. Az egységek vízállóak ? így szinte bármilyen
körülmények között használhatod őket. A Hobbywing alkalmazás további
lehetőségeket biztosít, a beépített Bluetooth modul pedig gyors és egyszerű
párosítást tesz lehetővé. FOC technológia - nagy nyomaték és rendkívül csendes
működés The new FOC (Field-oriented Control) sensor technology has significantly
improved the performance, usability and adjustability of the new AXE ESC. It
enables incredibly precise control and detection of motor operation while
guaranteeing the reliability of the unit. It is now possible to perfectly match
the drive speed to the throttle position - no matter what conditions you are
riding in. This makes the ESC ideal for downhill riding, for example, giving you
total control. FOC technology is also responsible for the quiet operation of the
entire system - say goodbye to annoying noise! Full control The ESC is equipped
with new FOC sensors. It also enables intelligent torque control and closed-loop
speed control. What does this mean in practice? The ESC is able to maintain
torque and engine speed, even if driving conditions change. Whether you're going
uphill, downhill, or with an extra load, the Axe system will make sure
everything happens exactly the way you want it to. Reverse polarity protection
Don't worry about damaging the ESC or the motor connected to it. Axe R2 has been
given a unique reverse polarity protection for the battery. No matter how many
times you mount it in the opposite way, you don't have to worry about anything.
Your devices will always be properly protected - they are not in danger of
failure. Apply whatever the weather Happen to ride in varying conditions? Don't
worry! You can use the practical Hobbywing ESC system almost anywhere and
anytime. The AXE system takes IP-67 protection to a whole new level. The sealed
construction and robust heat sink housing make the ESC ready for any challenge.
The motor will not let you down either. Whether sunshine or rain - with
Hobbywing you can ride in any weather! Dual mode - multiple applications The ESC
is perfectly suited for a variety of applications. The AXE FOC Crawler supports
dual mode operation - not only the classic forward/reverse (rock crawler), but
also forward/backward with braking (normal). This allows you to successfully
adapt its operation to your needs and use it in any situation. Programmable
settings - expand higher speeds Looking for interesting possibilities? We have
excellent news for you! In addition to the usual parameters for optimal vehicle
performance, there are also timing/boost settings that will allow you to reach
higher speeds. On long, windy tracks, these options often prove invaluable! See
what the app offers Gain access to additional features with the Hobbywing app,
which you can download for free to your phone. The built-in Bluetooth module
makes pairing the ESC with your smartphone quick and easy - no extra cables or
devices needed. View stored data, program settings and track device parameters
in real time, such as voltage, current, RPM or temperature, for example.
Reliable braking Enjoy the ability to fine-tune your brake - you can even set
the speed of the brake! So you can cruise at high speeds without fear of sudden
jerks or stalls when you release the throttle. All this ensures reliable braking
in almost any situation. Advanced electronic switch and internal BEC The Axe R2
is equipped with an electronic switch that ensures reliable operation and safe
use. Its rugged housing is resistant to dust, dirt and water. This extends the
life of the ESC and avoids problems that are common with standard on/off
switches. The device also has a built-in BEC mode switch with a maximum output
current of 13A. The voltage, on the other hand, can be adjusted in the range of
6-7.4V. This means you can use a variety of standard servos, high-voltage
servos, and other peripherals. Precision magnetic encoder A motor beépített nagy
pontosságú mágneses kódolóval rendelkezik, amely továbbítja a szükséges
információkat az ESC-nek. Ez lehetővé teszi, hogy az ESC rendszer több adatot
fogadjon, mint a szokásos Hall érzékelőkkel. Ez pedig a berendezés
teljesítményének és hatékonyságának növekedését jelenti. Terméknév XeRun Axe
Scale 1:10 Cont. / csúcsáram 80A / 480A Tápegység 2-3S LiPo, 6-9S NiMH BEC
kimenet Üzemmódkapcsoló: 6V/7.4V - 6A Bluetooth modul Aktív Firmware frissítés
Aktív Méret 47.4 x 36.2 x 26.5mm Tömeg 108g Dedikált 1/10.

Ár: 110.490 Ft
Játék: Modellek, makettek
Feladás dátuma: 2024.10.03
Eddig megtekintették 13 alkalommal
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Hobbywing AX540L R2-1400kV BLS meghajtó készlet

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